CE documentation

CE marking of Machinery and Mechanical equipment is a legal requirement.
DotBlue’s certified Machine Safety Experts possess the necessary expertise and experience to carry out CE marking in order to ensure that our customers’ machinery and mechanical equipment comply with relevant EU directives and standards.
CE marking is the manufacturer’s declaration of the product meeting with relevant legal requirements and standards.
CE marking is mandatory.
CE marking
DotBlue recommends planning and implementing the CE marking already from the beginning of a project. Keeping CE marking in focus during the process, will ensure consistency in the CE marking of equipment and installations, which forms the basis for the overall CE marking.
Typical EU directives:
DotBlue’s personnel are always up to date with the latest changes and developments related to applicable directives and regulations.
Safety first
DotBlue applies recognized methods for Risk Assessment in order to establish and identify safety requirements and to determine whether the product complies with applicable requirements.
A thorough knowledge of the applicable standards and regulations ensures that the design of the Machinery and Mechanical equipment always complies with relevant directives.
Every time DotBlue performs a CE marking, you can rely on DotBlue to supply all required documentation, which involves compiling of all technical files in close corporation with you and an issue of the Declaration of Conformity.
For correct documentation and reporting, we mainly use:
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