On 11. November 2021 it was the first time, that FSCPH had the pleasure to introduce FS Forum with focus on Functional Safety in the process industry.
46 participants and 4 speakers joined the event at Roskilde Congress Center. The 4 main topics were all with focus on “How to start?” and “What to do first?”, and the speakers had some good points to add.
Flemming Lindegaard, from the Work Environment in Denmark, started by telling why, seen from the Authority’s point of view, it makes good sense to work with Functional Safety. Not just in “risk” companies but in all process companies. His presentation gave the participants something to elaborate on, and he was a very popular gentleman in the final network session.
After Fleming’s presentation it was up to Henrik Skovsgaard, from ABB, to come up with a solid example on, how the Danish process companies can get started with Functional Safety. Henrik suggested a review of the systems, that the company already had implemented, followed by an analysis of what the next step should be. His most crucial point was, that it is not important whether we call it “Functional Safety” or “Process safety” it’s all about getting started.
Mikael Lund, from Global Functional Safety, held a presentation with focus on the importance of using the correct standard. He focused on why it’s not a good idea to use ISO 13849. Many companies have existing safety functions based on ISO 13849 and it might be relevant to review these.
Bjarne Vig from Nel Hydrogen presented their approach and experience with functional Safety- in the light of the challenges, that a process containing hydrogen can have, such as: small molecules, low temperature, and very high pressure. With a difficult process combined with a relative new company in growth, it can be challenging keeping focus on safety, though they manage at Nel Hydrogen. Bjarne’s presentation was an inspiration to many of the participating companies, who now know, how to divide Functional Safety into smaller pieces.
After the 4 presentations it was time for networking, which is the best way to get started and succeed with Functional Safety. We hope that the result of this event, will increase the dialog and knowledge sharing among the participating companies.
After all the positive feedback we have received, we will consider what to do next. Hopefully we can invite to the next FSCPH conference in spring 2023 and until then, maybe introduce more FS Forums.
We always welcome great ideas- do you have a good idea to a subject or relevant experience that we should bring up, maybe even a potential speaker? please contact contact@fscph.com or sales@fscph.com
Remember to join the network-group on LinkedIn ’Functional Safety Forum DK’. It’s a group with focus on Functional Safety and knowledge sharing. It’s possible to ask questions, start discussions and elaborate on ideas and experiences.