Så kan vi præsentere endnu en indlægsholder på FSCPH konferencen.

Velkommen til John Rasmussen fra Rockwell Automation. John vil holde en spændende workshop under emnet ”Diagnosticering af styresystemet i henhold til gældende lovgivning (SMART safety / Industri 4.0)”.

Vil du også gerne blive klogere herpå, så husk at tilmeld dig konferencen. Læs mere John Rasmussen og hans bidrag til konferencen herunder.

We are glad to introduce the next speaker at the upcoming FSCPH Conference.

Colin Easton from EFSTAS will provide an exciting speak about ’Security Risk Assessment’. Do you also want to know more about this topic? – then remember to sign up at www.fscph.com.

Read more about Colin Easton and his contribution to the FSCPH’19 conference below.

See you at the FSCPH conference on 19th and 20th November 2019 in Copenhagen.

fusion_global=”4234″]strong>We are proud to announce the lucky winner of the draw.

Congratulations to Marianne Lauritzen from the Danish Working Environment Authority. Marianne won a functional safety course that Global Functional Safety will provide this autumn.

Thanks to all who participated in the draw.

If you also are interested to participate in one of our courses, find more information here on our site.

Functional Safety Conference the 19th & 20th November 2019 in Bella Center Copenhagen.

Buy your ticket today:



Functional Safety konferencen afholdes den 19. & 20. november 2019 i Bella Center København.

Køb billetter til dig og dine kollegaer her:
