FS Conference ’15


Thank you for the participation at the Functional Safety Conference 2015!

In a time where Functional Safety awareness is getting a higher priority both within the industries but as well with the Authorities, the demand of specific knowledge and problem solving is increasing.
At the first FS Conference, the aim was to uncover the many different problems related to Functional Safety within the Machinery and Process industry and to communicate individual problem-solving.

There is no doubt, that the 130 visitors at the conference took the main headline very seriously “Understanding Risk- your responsibility”. The participants were very enthusiastic and took actively part in the conference with many interesting questions and point outs.

With 13 exhibitors in the area, every possibility of exchanging knowledge and networking was used in the best way. To strengthen networking, the conference also offered a conference dinner, which many of the speakers, exhibitors and participants joined, in order to establish new relationships and discuss the topics of the day.

Thanks to all the participants, the exhibitors, conference members and conference team for a great conference in 2015.

Watch a glimpse of the event

Day 1

Even thought it was the first time that FS Conference was held, the conference team had manage to provide the participants with an exciting program divided in machinery and process- and with great success.

The aim was to have specific topics related to each industry to make sure, that the participants would gain the most recent knowledge specially targeted their individually area of work.

In order to combine the conference and the two industries, specific key speakers were invited to cover the mutual themes, which influences both industries.

Among the common speakers were DONG Energy, Rockwell, Robert Taylor and Rambøll. All four speakers were to introduce the participants to the basics of Functional Safety, which fitted perfectly with the first step on the Functional Safety Lifecycle “Understand Safety”.
The four speakers did a great job providing all the participants with basic knowledge and approach to the theme.

Secondly, the participants were divided into two separate tracks, each to cover the second step in the lifecycles “Design and implementation”. Following the process track, DotBlue (former Global Functional Safety) hosted as the first speaker and gave a theoretical explanation of SIL Assessments, which was a bit of an ordeal for the participants theoretical knowledge.
Afterwards Dräger Safety Danmark held an existing speak about gas detection systems, which were a quiet unique theme at the conference.

AUMA was one of the foreign companies who joined the conference. They provided an excellent speak about how to interpret certificates and more relevant, where to find them!

To give a little twist, a research institute, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, joined as the last speaker. It was an interesting topic “third party quality check”- to hear how their methods is used. The institute is a test laboratory, which can help with basis for approval, and improving the reliability of products.

Following the Machine sessions, Schmersal was the first speaker of the day, and gave their individual experience in determine performance level. Next up was Rockwell with their practical examples of integrated Safety; hardware and project management.

After a short break with time for evaluation of the day’s topics, the sessions continued with Siemens and selection of components. The focus was on the use of certificates and what to do when you can’t seem to find the correct certificate for the component.

As a close up for the machinery, an End User was invited to set focus on the problems and challenges they meet in the area of work. Carlsberg Danmark had offered to give a speak with special focus on employee involvement.
It was interesting to hear from an End User how they optimized their cooperation and obtained a better safety situation.

Day 2

The second day started as day 1, with common speaks. This time Colin Easton a specialist within his field gave his input to safety management. The speak gave a clear picture of the responsibilities within an organization and which systems to be used to ensure the safety of hazardous processes.

Secondly, Thomas Koester, a psychologist, was to provide another perspective in a world with systems, calculations and engineers. This was a very interesting session with focus on human factors’ influence on safety. It seems that the human behavior plays a larger role in the safety perspective, more than many would assume. The speak was both interesting a refreshing and provided info, which many usually would overlook.

Once again divided into two tracks, following the process sessions, Endress+Hauser was the first speaker of step 3 in the lifecycle “Operation & Maintenance”. Endress+Hauser gave an introduction to proof testing followed by EXIDA (on behalf of PRElectronics) with the topic “can I public generic data and forget about it?”. The speaker gave a great “walk around” the collection of data and concluded with a simple answer “NO- you cannot forget about the publishing”.

In the end, DotBlue (Former Global Functional Safety) provided a good ending to the track with the topic “Maintenance and follow up”.

In the machine session, one of the highlights for the day was the Danish Working Environment Authority. They plays an essential role in the industry, and it was interesting to hear their vision, experiences and guidance of the merging the standards. A subject tricky for many of the participants, why it differently caught the interest of the participants.

Followed by FLSmidth with the topic “Emergency stop”. Explaining the function of emergency stops, design and stories from real life, gave an excellent introduction of the function and importance of installing the correct emergency stops in the right order.

After a delicious lunch and plenty of time for networking in the exhibition areas, it was time to introduce our other End User – Lego. It was no wonder why many had chosen to participate in this session, and the two speakers from Lego did a great job. Without holding anything back, they gladly shared all their obstacles and challenges in having a big company as Lego. Their presentation was uncensored and pint pointed the pit falls that many of the participants also meet in the field of work.

After a short break, all participants were once again ready for the last common presentations.

CNA Hardy a Swedish insurance company was the first to cover the 4th step in the lifecycle “Perspective”. It was interesting to hear their point of view, how to risk rank, and them sharing some of the true-life incidents that happens. It is rarely seen that insurance companies are willing to share some of their details, and it diffidently gave some interesting points.

To make a proper ending to the FS Conference’15, three of the main speakers of the days were invited to a discussion forum, to discuss Functional Safety in the future (year 2020). The topics were carefully selected in accordance to all the session during these two days: “Learning from experiences and Personnel competencies”. Covering the trends, challenges and what to do, the speakers gave their individual guess on what to expect in the future.

The discussion forum was a success, and it will be interesting to see, if some of the speakers actually could predict the future- we will see when we once again join the FS Conference in 2017.

The Conference Committee 2015


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Om DotBlue
Som arrangør af dette event, ønsker vi at gøre op med en ofte manglende forståelse eller mangel på sikkerhedsstandarder indenfor maskin- og procesindustrien.

Lavt prioritering, manglende løsningsforslag eller vanskeligheder med at forstå procedurer samt myndighedernes krav. Derudover opererer nogle virksomheder med overkvalificeret sikkerhedsløsninger, der kræver unødvendig og dyr vedligeholdelse. På grund af manglende eller ikke eksisterende sikkerhedsstandarder / procedurer kan ulykker opstå, ulykker, der let kunne have været forhindret.

At samle eksperter fra førende virksomheder, gør os i stand til at fremhæve de emner, der præsenterer de største udfordringer for slutbrugerne. I samarbejde med eksperter og myndigheder vil vi svare på spørgsmål og bidrage med værktøjer til løsninger, som deltagerne kan bringe hjem til deres virksomheder.

DotBlue stræber efter at gøre Functional Safety håndgribelig og sætter vigtigheden i fokus!

Kontakt arrangør
DotBlue A/S
E-mail:  event@dotblue.dk

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